1 |
CGDA, Delhi Cantt. (Admin wing) |
Smt. Geetika Singh Battu, IDAS, Dy.CGDA |
geetikabattu[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-25665632 |
011-25674806 |
Shri Rozy Agarwal, IDAS, Sr. Jt. CGDA (AN) |
rozy[dot]agarwal[at]nic[dot]in |
011-20893004 |
011-25674806 |
2 |
CGDA, Delhi Cantt. (Audit wing) |
Smt. Amrita Panda, IDAS, Sr.Dy.CGDA |
amritapanda.cgda@nic.in |
011-25665613 |
011-25674806 |
Shri Vipin Kumar Gupta, IDAS, Sr.Jt.CGDA |
vipin6766[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
011-20893010 |
011-25674806 |
3 |
CGDA, Delhi Cantt. (IT Wing) |
Shri Vinit Parashar, IDAS, Sr.ACGDA |
vinitparashar.dad@hub.nic.in |
011-25665616 |
011-25674806 |
Shri Ruchir Mittal, IDAS, Jt. CGDA |
ruchirmittal[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
011-25674821 |
011-25674806 |
4 |
CGDA, Delhi Cantt. (Pension wing) |
Shri Ghanshyam Kumar, IDAS, ACGDA |
ghanshyamsao.dad@gov.in |
011-25665803 |
011-25674806 |
Smt. Molly Sengupta, IDAS, Jt. CGDA |
mollysengupta[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
011-25674783 |
011-25674806 |
5 |
CGDA, Delhi Cantt. (IFA wing) |
Smt Bhawini Tripathi, IDAS, Sr. Dy. CGDA |
bhawiniv[dot]dad[at]nic[dot]in |
011-25675481 |
011-25674806 |
Dr. Shivalli Malhotra Chouhan, IDAS, Jt. CGDA |
shivalli[dot]chouhan[at]nic[dot]in |
011-20893012 |
011-25674806 |
6 |
CGDA, Delhi Cantt. (Accounts Wing) |
Shri M K Bhatt, IDAS, ACGDA |
manojkumarbhat.dad@hub.nic.in |
011-25665530 |
011-25674806 |
Dr. Shivalli Malhotra Chouhan, IDAS, Jt. CGDA |
shivalli[dot]chouhan[at]nic[dot]in |
011-20893012 |
011-25674806 |
7 |
CGDA, Delhi Cantt. (Training Division) |
Smt Swati Surve, IDAS, Sr. ACGDA |
swatiashoksurve[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-25675481 |
011-25674806 |
Shri Ruchir Mittal, IDAS, Jt. CGDA |
ruchirmittal[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
011-25674821 |
011-25674806 |
8 |
CGDA, Delhi Cantt. (Grievance Cell) |
Smt. Geetika Singh Battu, IDAS, Dy.CGDA |
geetikabattu[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-25665632 |
011-25674806 |
Shri Vipin Kumar Gupta, IDAS, Sr.Jt.CGDA |
vipin6766[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
011-20893010 |
011-25674806 |
9 |
CGDA, Delhi Cantt. (SAS Cell) |
Shri Sandeep Lakhanpal, IDAS, Sr. ACGDA |
sandeeplakhanpal[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-25694268 |
011-25674806 |
Shri Rozy Agarwal, IDAS, Sr. Jt. CGDA (AN) |
rozy[dot]agarwal[at]nic[dot]in |
011-20893004 |
011-25674806 |
10 |
CDA (Army) Delhi Cantt |
Shri. Manish,IDAS, Jt.CDA |
raomanish83.dad@hub.nic.in |
011-20893139 |
011-25674806 |
Smt. Maulishree Pande, IDAS, CDA |
maulishree[dot]pande[at]nic[dot]in |
011-20893016 |
011-25674806 |
11 |
PAO(ORs) RRRC Delhi Cantt. |
Shri Upinderbir Singh, IDAS, Addl. CDA |
pao-rrrc[dot]cgda[at]gov[dot]in |
011-25691906 |
011-25684649 |
Smt. Maulishree Pande, IDAS, CDA |
maulishree[dot]pande[at]nic[dot]in |
011-20893016 |
12 |
Office of the PCDA (Pensions), Draupadi Ghat, Prayagraj |
Shri Virendra Kumar, IDAS, ACDA |
cda-albd[at]nic[dot]in |
5322421877 |
5322421864 |
Shri Ashish Yadav, IDAS, Jt.CDA |
cda-albd[at]nic[dot]in |
0532-2420803 |
0532-2621549 |
13 |
Office of the PCDA(Army), Sec.-9, Chandigarh |
Shri Satnam Singh, IDAS, ACDA |
satnamsingh1967[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0172-2741336 |
0172-2742552 |
Smt Kavita Sharma, IDAS, Addl.CDA |
kavitapalwal[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
0172-2742552 |
0172-2741517 |
14 |
AAO(P) Jalandhar |
Smt Manjeet Kaur, IDAS, Addl CDA |
manjeetkaur1979[dot]dad[at]nic[dot]in |
0181-2660048 |
0181-2262864 |
Smt. Nidhi Sharma, IDAS, Jt.CDA |
cda-chd[at]nic[dot]in |
0172-2742129 |
0172-2741729 |
15 |
PAO(ORs) 14,GTC Subathu |
Shri Rajesh Verma, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-subhathu[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
01792-275043 |
01792-275845 |
Smt. Nidhi Sharma, IDAS, Jt.CDA |
cda-chd[at]nic[dot]in |
0172-2742129 |
0172-2741729 |
16 |
Office of the CDA, Pachpedhi Road, Jabalpur 482 001 |
Shri R. S. Gusain, IDAS, ACDA |
cda-jbl[at]nic[dot]in |
0761-2608013 |
0761-2608013 |
Shri Sandeep Thakur, IDAS, CDA |
cda-jbl[at]nic[dot]in |
0761-2605622 |
0761-2605622 |
17 |
PAO(ORs) Corps of Signals Jabalpur |
Smt P Nivedita Rao, IDAS, JCDA |
pao-signl-jab[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0761-2601097 |
Shri Sandeep Thakur, IDAS, CDA |
cda-jbl[at]nic[dot]in |
0761-2605622 |
0761-2605622 |
18 |
PAO(Ors) JAK Rifles Jabalpur |
Smt. Seema R. Murugesan, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-jakrif[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0761-2620285 |
0761-2620285 |
Shri Sandeep Thakur, IDAS, CDA |
cda-jbl[at]nic[dot]in |
0761-2605622 |
0761-2605622 |
19 |
PAO(ORs) GRC, Jabalpur |
Smt. Seema R. Murugesan, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-grenadiers[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0761-2622792 |
Shri Sandeep Thakur, IDAS, CDA |
cda-jbl[at]nic[dot]in |
0761-2605622 |
0761-2603252 |
20 |
PCDA(Army) Jaipur |
0141-2388466 |
0141-2388463 |
Shri Mohit Sharma, IDAS, Jt.CDA |
mohitsharma[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0141-2388441 |
0141-2388463 |
21 |
AAO(Army) Jodhpur |
aao-0400[at]pcdasc[dot]gov[dot]in |
0294-2910205 |
Dr. Durga Lal Meena, IDAS, ADDL. CDA |
pcdaswclegal[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
020-26126820 |
202-26125865 |
22 |
Office of the CDA, Rajendra Path, Patna 800 019 |
Shri Abhijeet Singh, IDAS, ACDA |
cda-patna[at]nic[dot]in |
0612-2323124 |
0612-2321594 |
Shri Himanshu Shanker, IDAS,CDA |
cdasectt[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic |
0612-2320577 |
0612-2321594 |
23 |
Area Accounts Office, Siliguri, Sevoke Road, Siliguri Distt. Darjeeling (W.B.)-734401 |
Shri Hanuman Yadav, IDAS, Addl.CDA |
aao-silig[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0353-2435884 |
0353-2435884 |
Shri Himanshu Shanker, IDAS,CDA |
cdasectt[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic |
0612-2320577 |
0612-2321594 |
24 |
The AAO Kolkata, EM Block, Salt Lake, Sector V, Kolkata-700091 |
Shri Manoj Kumar, IDAS, ACDA |
manojkumaridas[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
033-23542882 |
033-23577792 |
Shri Himanshu Shanker, IDAS,CDA |
cdasectt[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic |
0612-2320577 |
0612-2321594 |
25 |
O/o The PAO(ORs) BRC, Danapur Catt-801503 |
Shri Abhijeet Singh, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-brcdpr[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
06115-227488 |
06115-227489 |
Shri Himanshu Shanker, IDAS,CDA |
cdasectt[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic |
0612-2320577 |
0612-2321594 |
26 |
PAO(Ors) SRC Ramgarh Cantt Jharkhand-829122 |
Shri Taresh Kumar, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-src[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
06553-223277 |
06553-224562 |
Shri Himanshu Shanker, IDAS,CDA |
cdasectt[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic |
0612-2320577 |
0612-2321594 |
27 |
PAO(Ors) PRC Ramgarh Cantt Jharkhand-829122 |
Shri Taresh Kumar, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-prc[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
06553-223277 |
06553-224562 |
Shri Himanshu Shanker, IDAS,CDA |
cdasectt[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic |
0612-2320577 |
0612-2321594 |
28 |
O/o The PAO(ORs) AAD, Pan Complex, Brahmapur, Gopalpur, Odhisa-760001 |
Shri Chethan K, IDAS, ACDA |
paoorgopalpur[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
0680-2283511 |
0680-2283511 |
Shri Himanshu Shanker, IDAS,CDA |
cdasectt[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic |
0612-2320577 |
0612-2321594 |
29 |
Office of the PCDA (Army), 107,Lower Agaram Road, Agaram Post, Bangalore |
Ms A Jaybharathi, IDAS, |
cda-blor[at]nic[dot]in |
080-29710474 |
080-29710132/33 |
Shri Ram Jeyanth K R S, IDAS, Jt.CDA |
cda-blor[at]nic[dot]in |
080-29710474 |
080-29710132/33 |
30 |
Office of the CDA (RnD), C V Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560093 |
Shri Rahul Kumar Dubey, IDAS, DCDA |
cdarnd[dot]blor[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
080-25248667 |
080-25246936 |
Smt. S R Rajashekar, IDAS, CDA |
swarnashreerao.dad@hub.nic.in |
080-25244019 |
080-25245238 |
31 |
Office of the CDA (R&D), Opposite DRDL Gate, K Kanchan Bagh, Hyd-58 |
cdard-hyd[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
040-29704136 |
040-24347623 |
Controller of Defence Accounts (R&D) |
cdard-hyd[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
040-24347666 |
040-24347623 |
32 |
Office of the CDA, 618, Annasalai, Teynampet, Chennai |
Shri Vijay Thomas, IDAS, DCDA |
cda-mad[at]nic[dot]in/legaladalatcdachn[at]gmail[dot]com |
044-24334590 |
044-24334590 |
Shri T. Jayaseelan,IDAS, CDA |
cda-mad[at]nic[dot]in |
044-24349844 |
044-24348142 |
33 |
PAO(ORs) DSC, Mill Road, Kannur |
Shri K. Purushothaman, IDAS, DCDA |
pao-cannanore[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0497-2705455 |
0497-2705455 |
Shri T. Jayaseelan,IDAS, CDA |
cda-mad[at]nic[dot]in |
044-24349844 |
044-24348142 |
34 |
Area Accounts Office (Army), kataribagh Naval Base PO Kochi |
Shri Anil V Umesh, IDAS, ACDA |
Zokoc[dot]Cdachn[at]nic[dot]in |
0484-2669696 |
0484-2669696 |
Shri T. Jayaseelan,IDAS, CDA |
cda-mad[at]nic[dot]in |
044-24349846 |
044-24348142 |
35 |
Area Accounts Office (DAD), DAD Office Complex, Tirumala, Trivandrum |
Shri R. Narayana Prasad, IDAS, ACDA |
zopdtri[dot]Cdachn[at]nic[dot]in |
0471-2352454 |
0471-2352454 |
Shri T. Jayaseelan,IDAS, CDA |
cda-mad[at]nic[dot]in |
044-24349847 |
044-24348142 |
36 |
PAO Wellington |
Shri C Srinivas Reddy, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-mrcwelling[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0423-2234486 |
Shri T. Jayaseelan,IDAS, CDA |
cda-mad[at]nic[dot]in |
044-24349847 |
044-24348142 |
37 |
Office of the PCDA (AF), 107, Rajpur Road, Dehradun 248 001 |
cda-dehr[at]nic[doy]in |
0135-2743019 |
0135-2741573 |
Smt. Kavita Sharma, Addl.CDA |
cda-dehr[at]nic[doy]in |
0135-2748968 |
0135-2741573 |
38 |
Office of the Jt.CDA (AF), Vayusena Nagar, Nagpur-440007. |
Shri V M Vartak, IDAS, ACDA |
vinayakvartax[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
0712-2981702 |
0712-2513401 |
Shri Moghe Omkar Chandrashekhar, IDAS, Jt.CDA |
omkar15august[dot]dad[at]nic[dot]in |
0135-2748968 |
0135-2741573 |
39 |
Office of the CDA, Udayan Vihar, Narangi, Guwahati 781 171 (Assam) |
Shri Rantu Saikia, IDAS, ACDA |
cda-guw[at]nic[dot]in |
0364-22250040364-2999165 |
0361-2640204 |
Shri Ambarish Barman, IDAS CDA |
cda-guw[at]nic[dot]in |
0361-2640110 |
0361-2640204 |
40 |
Office of the PCDA, Ayudh Bhawan, 10A, S.K. Bose Road, Kolkata 700 001 |
Shri Subrata Bose, IDAS, ACDA |
subratabose.dad@hub.nic.in |
033-22487906 |
22480991 |
Dr. K Lalbiakchhunga, IDAS, JCDA |
lkhuptong[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
033-22487906 |
033-22480991 |
41 |
Office of the CDA, Regional Training Centre (ER) EM Block, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091. |
rtc-kolk[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
033-23573584,23573585 |
033-23575011,23573545 |
033-23573585 |
033-23573545 |
42 |
Office of the PCDA (ARMY), No. 1 Finance Road, Pune 411 001 |
Smt. Vaishali R D'Souza, IDAS, ACDA |
vaishalirdsouza[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
020-26125821 |
020-26125865 |
Shri Vikram Rajapure, IDAS, Jt. CDA |
cda-pune[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26119243 |
202-26125865 |
43 |
AAO(Army) Ahmedabad |
Shri Shurveer Singh, IDAS, Addl. CDA |
aao-0700[at]pcdasc[dot]gov[dot]in |
079-22865902 |
Shri C Zothankhuma, IDAS, PCDA |
cda-pune[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26122504 |
202-26125865 |
44 |
AAO(Army) Dehu Road |
Smt Maheshwari D Puranik, IDAS, ACDA |
aao-0500[at]pcdasc[dot]gov[dot]in |
020-27671413 |
Dr. Sukhsohit Singh, IDAS, Addl. CDA |
cda-pune[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26119243 |
202-26125865 |
45 |
PAO (ORS) Artillery / AAC Nasik |
Smt Sonila Rao, IDAS, ACDA |
cda-nasik[at]nic[dot]in |
0253-2392939 |
0253-2392939 |
Dr Dale Mahesh Bhagwat, IDAS, Addl. CDA |
cda-pune[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26119243 |
202-26125865 |
46 |
Shri R Satyanarayan, IDAS |
pao-intaptc[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
020-299994082 |
Shri Vikram Rajapure, IDAS, Jt. CDA |
cda-pune[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26119243 |
202-26125865 |
47 |
Shri V Pandurang Rao, IDAS |
pao-acrahmed[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0241-2325984 |
Ms Panveer Saini, IDAS, Addl. CDA |
cda-pune[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26119243 |
202-26125865 |
48 |
Shri V M Moharir, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-mirahmed[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0241-2326895 |
Shri Vikram Rajapure, IDAS, Jt. CDA |
cda-pune[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26119243 |
202-26125865 |
49 |
Shri Rajeev j Kuruvilla, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-guards[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
07109-282950 |
Shri Vikram Rajapure, IDAS, Jt. CDA |
cda-pune[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26119243 |
202-26125865 |
50 |
Shri R K Bindroo,IDAS, ACDA |
pao-intaptc[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
020-299994082 |
Shri Vikram Rajapure, IDAS, Jt. CDA |
cda-pune[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26119243 |
202-26125865 |
51 |
Office of the PCDA(Navy) No. 1 Cooperage Road, Colaba, Mumbai |
Shri Rachit Kumar Gupta,IDAS, ACDA |
legalpcdanavy[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
022-22021798/22802754 |
022-22021798 |
Shri Prashant Dubey, IDAS, Jt. CDA |
legalpcdanavy[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
022-22021798/22802754 |
022-22020772/ 22021798 |
52 |
Office of the PCDA (BR), Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, Narayana, Delhi |
Smt. Abhineet Dhillon, IDAS, JCDA |
abhineetdhillon[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
011-25690978 |
011-25690984 |
Shri Dev Kumar, IDAS, PCDA |
cda-br[at]nic[dot]in |
011-25690977 |
011-25690987 |
53 |
CDA(BR) Guwahati |
Smt. Nangkoi Gohain, IDAS, JCDA |
nangkoigohain[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0361-2641582 |
0361-2641577 |
Shri Dev Kumar, IDAS, PCDA |
cda-br[at]nic[dot]in |
011-25690977 |
011-25690987 |
54 |
JCDA(BR) Chandigarh |
Shri Sahil Goyal, IDAS, JCDA |
jcdabr48[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
0172-2674227 |
Shri Dev Kumar, IDAS, PCDA |
cda-br[at]nic[dot]in |
011-25690977 |
011-25690987 |
55 |
Shri Lehana Singh, IDAS, JCDA |
lehanasingh[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
020-29999112 |
Shri Dev Kumar, IDAS, PCDA |
cda-br[at]nic[dot]in |
011-25690977 |
011-25690987 |
56 |
Office of the CDA (CSD), 119, Ade20Adelphi Building, M.K. Karve Road, Mumbai20 |
Shri Sudhakar Mahapatra, IDAS, ACDA |
csd-mumb[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
022-22060819 |
22018668 |
Dr Mahesh Suresh Khumkar, IDAS, IFA & CDA |
csd-mumb[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
022-22016787 |
2222060819 |
57 |
Office of the CDA (IDS), Room No. 130 Kashmir House, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi - 110011 |
Shri Rajeev Kumar, IDAS, ACDA |
cda[dot]ids[at]nic[dot]in |
011-23006516 |
011-23012385 |
Shri Rajesh Ranjan, IDAS, CDA |
011-23012385 |
011-23012385 |
58 |
AAO(ANC), Port Blair |
Shri B Senthil Kumar IDAS, Addl.CDA |
jcdapb[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
03192-242246 |
Shri Rajesh Ranjan, IDAS, CDA |
011-23012385 |
011-23012385 |
59 |
Office of the PCDA (AF), West Block V, RK Puram, New Delhi-110066, 2 LAO (AF), Rance Course, New Delhi-23, 3 ALAO (AF), KG Marg, New Delhi4 ALAO ASTE Bangaore |
Shri Atul Arora, IDAS,ACDA |
cdaaf-delhi[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
011-20861917 |
011-26175096 |
Shri Vijay Kumar,IDAS PCDA(AF) |
vijaykumar[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
011-26175096 |
011-26175096 |
60 |
JCDA (AF) Subroto Park, Delhi Cantt. |
Shri Mohan Lal Meena, IDAS, DCDA |
mohanidasmeena[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-25693334 |
011-25688155 |
Shri Vijay Kumar,IDAS PCDA(AF) |
vijaykumar[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
011-26175096 |
011-26175096 |
61 |
Office of the PCDA (O), Golibar Maidan, Pune - 411 001 |
Shri Chandra Prakash, IDAS, Addl. CDA |
chandraprakash[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]in |
020-26401102 |
020-26453446 |
Shri S K Singh, IDAS, Pr. CDA |
sksinghidas[dot]dad[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26401101 |
020-26453446 |
62 |
Office of the CDA, No.1, Staff Road, Secunderabad 500009, (I) (II) |
Shri M Srinivasa Rao, IDAS, DCDA |
cda-secd[at]nic[dot]in |
040-27798930, 040-27740407 |
040-27798960 |
Shri T Rambabu, IDAS, CDA |
cda-secd[at]nic[dot]in |
040-27898037 |
040-27810499 |
63 |
PCDA (Army) Lucknow |
Shri Karan Singh, IDAS, ACDA |
karansingh[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
8887141546/48 EXTN 108(Self) |
Shri Rankaj Prakash Singh, IDAS, addl.CDA |
rankajprakash[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
8887141546/48 Extn[dot]102 |
8887141546/48 EXTN 102(Self) 107(PA) |
64 |
PAO(ORs) 39 GTC, Varanasi & ALAO Varanasi |
Shri Kamal Kishore,IDAS, ACDA |
kkishore.dad@gov.in |
7079383773 |
0542-2502480 |
Shri Pushkraj Bharti, IDAS, Addl CDA |
pushkraj[dot]bharti[at]gov[dot]in |
0522-2480892 |
0522-2480892 |
65 |
PAO(ORs) DRC, Faizabad |
Shri K K Shukla, IDAS, ACDA |
kkshukla65[dot]65[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
2278222621 |
05278-222631 |
Shri Pushkraj Bharti, IDAS, Addl CDA |
pushkraj[dot]bharti[at]gov[dot]in |
0522-2480892 |
0522-2480892 |
66 |
AAO(Army) Kanpur |
Shri Saket Pandey,SAO |
saketpandey.dad@hub.nic.in |
9450646910 |
0512-2380106 |
Shri Rankaj Prakash Singh, IDAS, Jt.CDA |
rankajprakash[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
8887141546/48 Extn[dot]102 |
8887141546/48 EXTN 102(Self) 107(PA) |
67 |
AAO(Army) Prayagraj |
Shri Pravir Singh Singraul,SAO |
pssingraul.ifanc.dad@gov.in |
9697878454 |
0532-2623514 |
Shri Sanjay Kumar,IDAS, Addl.CDA |
sanjaykridas.dad@hub.nic.in |
0532-2623214 |
8887141546/48 EXTN 102(Self) 107(PA) |
68 |
PAO(Ors),11 GRRC Lucknow |
Shri Ajay kumar, Aggarwal, IDAS, ACDA |
akaggarwal.dad@nic.in |
0522-2480892 |
0569-2236014 |
Shri Pushkraj Bharti, IDAS, Addl CDA |
pushkraj[dot]bharti[at]gov[dot]in |
8887141546/48 Extn[dot]102 |
0522-2480892 |
69 |
PAO(ORs) AMC Lucknow |
Shri Vivek Srivastava, SAO |
rajeshkumarao[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
7839358382 |
0522-2481224 |
Shri Pushkraj Bharti, IDAS, Addl CDA |
pushkraj[dot]bharti[at]gov[dot]in |
0522-2480892 |
0522-2480892 |
70 |
PAO(ORs) RRC, Fatehgarh & PAO(ORs) SLI, Fatehgarh |
Shri Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, ACDA |
sagarwal1966[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
9451059969 |
0569-2236014 |
Shri Pushkraj Bharti, IDAS, Addl CDA |
pushkraj[dot]bharti[at]gov[dot]in |
0522-2480892 |
0522-2480892 |
71 |
CDA(Trg) NADFM Golibar Maidan, Pune |
Smt. Neela S Kumar, Asst. Director |
mail[dot]nadfm[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26444318 |
022-26443983 |
Shri Praveen Ranjan, J. Director |
mail[dot]nadfm[at]nic[dot]in |
020-26430124 |
020-26443983 |
72 |
Office of the PCDA(Army) Narwal Pain, Satwari, Jammu & All Sub Offices |
Shri Gaurav, IDAS, Jt.CDA |
adminiipcdanc[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0191-2435439 |
0191-2435068 |
Shri Kura Ram, IDAS, Jt. CDA |
adminiipcdanc[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0191-2434966 |
0191-2435068 |
73 |
AAO(P) Pathankot |
Shri Mulakh Raj Paul, IDAS, Jt. CDA |
aaonc-path[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0186-2221955 |
0186-2252955 |
Shri Kura Ram, IDAS, Jt. CDA |
adminiipcdanc[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0191-2434966 |
0191-2435068 |
74 |
Office of the PCDA (R&D), West Block V, R. K. Puram, New Delhi 110 066 |
Shri Daleep Kumar Sabni, IDAS, ACDA |
cdaradnd[at]nic[dot]in |
011-26711745 |
011-26711745 |
Shri Vinod Kumar, IDAS, CDA |
cdaradnd[at]nic[dot]in |
011-26711745 |
011-26711745 |
75 |
Office of the PCDA, 6th Floor, 'A' Block, Defence offices Complex, Africa Avenue Marg, New Delhi-110023 |
Smt. Kamlesh Kumari, IDAS, DCDA |
pcda_nd[at]nic[dot]in |
011-20867041 |
011-26112046 |
Shri Kamal Singh Choudhary, JCDA |
pcda_nd[at]nic[dot]in |
011-20867075 |
011-26112046 |
76 |
Office of the CDA (Army), Belveder Complex, Ayudh Path, Meerut Cantt-250001 |
Shri Mukesh Sharma, IDAS, ACDA |
rticellcdaarmy[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0121-2794312 |
0121-2646254 |
Shri J C Tripathi, IDAS, DCDA |
rticellcdaarmy[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]i |
0121-2643406 |
77 |
PAO (ORs) BEG&C Roorkee |
Smt Sarita Nehru Rajdan, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-begrre[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
01332-277360 |
Shri J C Tripathi, IDAS, DCDA |
rticellcdaarmy[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]i |
0121-2643406 |
78 |
PAO (ORs) GRRC Lansdowne |
Shri Ajay Kumar, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-lansdowne[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0133-277360 |
Shri J C Tripathi, IDAS, DCDA |
rticellcdaarmy[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]i |
0121-2643406 |
79 |
PAO (ORs) JRC Bareilly |
Shri Manoj Kumar, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-jrc[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0581-223660 |
Shri J C Tripathi, IDAS, DCDA |
rticellcdaarmy[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]i |
0121-2643406 |
80 |
PAO (ORs) KRC Ranikhet |
Shri Sumit Bhamboo, IDAS, ACDA |
pao-krc[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
05966-220086 |
Shri J C Tripathi, IDAS, DCDA |
rticellcdaarmy[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]i |
0121-2643406 |
81 |
Shri Satish Kumar, IDAS, ACDA |
aao-agra[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0562-2226394 |
Shri J C Tripathi, IDAS, DCDA |
rticellcdaarmy[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]i |
0121-2643406 |
82 |
Shri Anurag Kala, IDAS, DCDA |
mkumaraao[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0135-2742571 |
Shri J C Tripathi, IDAS, DCDA |
rticellcdaarmy[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]i |
0121-2643406 |
83 |
Office of the CDA (Funds), Near Head Post Office, Meerut Cantt - 250001 |
Shri Ravinder Singh Grover,IDAS, DCDA |
jcdafunds[at]nic[dot]in |
0121-2648754 |
'0121-2647022 |
Shri Rajesh Ranjan, IDAS, CDA |
jcdafunds[at]nic[dot]in |
0121-2648754 |
0121-2647022 |
84 |
CDA (Navy/Coast Guard), WESR Block-V, R.K. Puram, New Delhi |
Shri Gundrathi Pruthvinath Goud, IDAS, ACDA |
prithvinath.goud@gov.in |
011-208671804 |
011-26105542 |
Shri Dhiraj Kumar, IDAS, Addl.CDA |
Dhirajkr[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-208671804 |
011-20907631 |
85 |
Cost Guard Pay Accounts Office, Noida |
Shri Anil Rawat,IDAS, ACDA |
cgpao[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0120-2201347 |
011-26105542 |
Shri Dhiraj Kumar, IDAS, Addl.CDA |
Dhirajkr[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-208671804 |
011-20861804 |
86 |
Office of the CDA (PD), Ayudh Path, Meerut Cantt - 250 001 |
Shri Ravinder Singh Grover,IDAS, DCDA |
cdapd[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0121-2794503 |
0121-2645178 |
Shri Tarun Kumar Jajoria,IDAS, CDA |
cdapd[dot]cgda[at]nic[dot]in |
0121-2645093 |
0121-2645178 |
87 |
Office of the IFA (CC), Lucknow |
Smt. Neelanshu Gupta, IDAS, Sr. Dy IFA |
ifacc[at]nic[dot]in |
0522-229-2413 |
0522-2483236 |
Shri Hari Har Mishra, IDAS, IFA |
ifacc[at]nic[dot]in |
0522-2483236 |
0522-2483236 |
88 |
Office of the IFA ENC(V), Naval Base Port, Vizag |
Shri B Senthil Kumar, IDAS, Sr.Dy. IFA, (CPIO) |
ifaenc[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
0891-2751926/2813099 |
0891-2751926 |
Shri M Srinivas, IDAS, IFA ENC(V) |
ifaenc[dot]dad[at]gov[dot]in |
0891-2577663 |
0891-2577663 |
89 |
PIFA(Q&M) Room no. 708, 'A' wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi |
Shri Pankaj Pandey, AIFA |
ifaarmyq{dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-21412096 |
23019727 |
Shri Mayank Tyagi, IDAS, Jt. IFA |
ifaarmyq{dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-23794388 |
011-23019727 |
90 |
IFA (WC)HQ WC Chandimandir, Distt, Panchkula (Haryana) |
Shri Vibhor Khandelwal, IDAS, Dy. IFA |
vibhorkhandelwal[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0172-2589832 |
0172-2554285 |
Shri Parneet Singh, IDAS, Dy.IFA |
parneetsingh[dot]dad[at]nic[dot]in |
044-24349847 |
0172-2589832 |
91 |
Office of the IFA(Capital) Army, Room No. 434, 'A' Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi-11 |
Shri S.K. Yadav, IDAS, Dy.IFA |
ifacapitalarmy[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-23017156 |
011-23017156 |
Shri A. K. Jena, IDAS, IFA(capital) Army |
ifacapitalarmy[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-23018958 |
011-23017156 |
92 |
IFA (Project) Sea Bird |
Shri Gian Chand, Sr. Finance Officer |
ifaseabird[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-26182562 |
011-26182562 |
ifaseabird[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
011-20863382 |
011-20863383 |
93 |
Office of IFA (SWC) Jaipur |
Smt. P. Nivedita Rao, IDAS, Sr. Dy. IFA |
niveditapusarla[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0141-2351543 |
0141-2352984 |
Shri Anant Prakash, IDAS, IFA |
anantprakash[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in |
0141-2351543 |
0141-2352984 |