Air Marshal (Dr.) Rajeev Sachdeva,
Former DCIDS (PPFD),
Former Chairman SCAPCC

Air Marshal (Dr) Rajeev Sachdeva, in his last appointment, served as Deputy Chief of Integrated Defence Staff and also officiated as Additional Secretary (Air) at DMA, under CDS MoD, MoD. Commissioned on 11 Dec 1981, was alumnus of FIS, CDM and NDC. He was the Chairman of SCAPCC and Member Secretary of Defence Acquisition Council, chaired by Raksha Mantri. Co-authored the DAP-2020 and promulgated the first 'Negative Import List'. Chairman of the Integrated Space Cell of Armed Forces and the Technical Evaluation Team for BMD by DRDO; Co-Chair DIATF with US for development of niche capabilities; Steered the projects for NFS & DCN.

Cat 'A' Qualified Flying Instructor was an Air Force Examiner with over 7200 hours on various Transport and Trainer aircraft. He Commanded an Operational flying Squadron and also one of the largest Air Force Base at Chandigarh.

He holds a Doctorate and a Masters in Management from Osmania University, Certified 'A' Project Manager by IPMA, Switzerland, is a Distinguished Fellow at USI & i2p2M and Certified Management Instructor by AIMA. He was the Commandant of the College of Defence Management at Secunderabad. Air Officer has written papers for various journals and lectured in Military, Civil and Academic Institutions. Doctor of Philosophy was in Business Management at Osmania University and the research topic was “Strategies to Prevent and Avoid Air Accidents in Transport Fleet of the Indian Air Force: An Integrated Approach”.

Important Appointments held by him includes Command of An-32 Sqn, AOC Chandigarh, CI at Fixed Wing Training Faculty, WAC Ops II A, Centre Director (Aviation) NTRO and SASO, HQ SAC. A truly Purple Officer who, has served in all the four verticals of HQ IDS at appointments of DACIDS (Regional-DIA), ACIDS (ICT & Joint Ops), DCIDS (Ops), DCIDS (PP & FD) and Commandant College of Defence Management. Co-authored DAP-2020, DPM-2020, DFPDS-2020 and the first Negative Import List at DMA, Other Joint appointments were that of Secy to Union War Book and the RM’s Op Directive; Member Secy of Defence Acquisition Council; Chairman of JOCOM, SCAPCC, Integrated Space Cell of Armed Forces and TET for BMD by DRDO; Co-Chair DIATF with US for development of niche capabilities; Officiated as Chairman of DCMG and also steered the projects for NFS & DCN.

The officer was awarded Ati Vishist Seva Medal in 2016 and was commended by the Chief of Air Staff in 2000.