Brig. Gen Ahamed Mohammed Abdi,
Senior Advisor,
HORN International Institute for Strategic Studies, Kenya

Brigadier General (Rtd) Ahamed Mohammed has served in a variety of command, staff and international assignments in his 37 year’s career in the Kenya Defence Forces. His is an expert on national security, conflict management and international politics.
He served with the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in the Former Yugoslavia as a Deputy Senior Military Observer. He has been a Military Assistant to the Chief of the General Staff (Kenya Defence Forces). He served as a Directing Staff (Lecturer) at both the Defence Staff College, Karen, Kenya and at the Joint Services Command and Staff College, (JSCSC), Bracknell and later Shrivenham, United Kingdom.
He was Defence Adviser, Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations, New York between 2001 to 2004. He returned to Kenya in 2004 and was appointed Chief of Personnel, Kenya Army Headquarters. On graduation from War College in 2005, he was appointed Director, International Peace Support Training Centre, Karen, Kenya.
Brig Mohammed was promoted to Brigadier in 2008 and appointed Brigade Commander, Kenya Army Corp of Engineers where he served until 2010. He was reassigned to be Chief of Operations, Training and Plans, Army Headquarters. He later went on to serve as the Commandant (CEO), Defence Forces Memorial Hospital, Nairobi, where he successfully led the Hospital to ISO Certification in 2013.
Between 2013 and 2016, Brig Mohammed served as Chief of Staff, Office of Military Affairs, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, United Nations Headquarters, New York. While here, He completed his military service as Director, Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), Kenya Defence Headquarters in December 2017. He is associated with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) where he is a peacekeeping trainer and is also a Mentor on the Senior Mission Leaders Course. Mohammed also sits on the African Union Military Strategic Study Group (MSSG) where he is an advisor. From 2018 -2022, He served as Director, Center for Security and Strategic Studies, National Defence University – Kenya in 2022/2023.
He is a graduate of Kings College, University of London with a Master of Arts degree in Defense Studies. He is also a graduate of the University of Nairobi with an MA degree in International Studies. He is a Fellow of the Kenya Institute of Management and his awards and decorations include the Elder of the Order of the Burning Spear (EBS). He is a member of ASIS International (American Society for Industrial Security), founder Chairman ASIS Kenya Chapter and is currently ASIS Senior Regional Vice President for Eastern and Southern Africa. He is ASIS triple certified (CPP, PCI, PSP). He is also a security certifications trainer and mentor.
Brigadier Mohammed is currently Senior Advisor, Defence and Security, HORN International Institute for Strategic Studies, Nairobi, Kenya. A passionate golfer, his interests include research on leadership, management and motivation.